Beginning October 1st, employers are required to provide written notices to all employees – regardless of benefit enrollment status or full / part-time status – about health coverage options. This includes notifications about federal and state health insurance marketplaces.  These government-run marketplaces will be open this fall.

Employers can send the notices by mail or electronically.  Effective January 1st, 2014, employers will have 14 days from the employees start date to provide a notice. The Department of Labor has provided two sample notices or employers who currently offer coverage and for employers who do not offer health insurance.

Links to model notice from the United States Department of Labor:

Employers can also create their own notices, which must include:

  •  Explanation of the marketplaces
  • Reference to
  • Information about premium subsidies that may be available if employees purchase a qualified health plan through the marketplace
  • Notification that employees may lose their employer contribution to the health plan if it is obtained through the marketplace

To learn more about the Affordable Care Act please visit the US Department of Labor site at